Look at how you've grown! You're such a wonderful
brother and son. Summer of 12 |

Danielle with Lynns Standard
Goldendoodle Puppy from Lily/Jacques Fall of 06 litter. I'll
let you in on a little secret! OK, so all these cute pictures
you see, let me tell you that for every good picture we have
to take about 20 others where the only part of the puppy you
see might be a nose, or you might even get a shot of the ground
if the puppy was moving faster than the camera! My sweet Danielle
though is a natural with the dogs. Her patience and calmness
is truly amazing. A litter of 12 puppies can be very boisterous,
especially at playtime, when we are trying to take the pictures!
Danielle will hold the wiggliest of puppies, often times getting
licked, or chewed on with needle sharp teething baby teeth,
but she still remains patient and calm as I shoot the camera
picture after picture till we get a good one. Thank you Danielle
for all your hard work, you are a wonderful little girl and
a great puppy socializer! |

Rebekah taking a nap on Legacy, January 23d of
in front
of our still up Christmas Tree!

Gracie the Lap Dog!

My little brother 14 months old
(yes I did say brother!) Joshua, born 2 days after my son
Isaiah! Thanksgiving Day 07

My other little brother Ben 3 years old, boy can that boy
smile! Thanksgiving Day 07

Rebekah and Hannah Grace where she likes it best, bundled up in someone's arms! October 08

Daddy and Isaiah male bonding over wood chopping!
"Be careful, he has the saw!" Mommy yells from the
window right after she clicks the camera! March 07

Danielle 8 years old and Isaiah 18 months
old, horsing around! The boy loves his sisters. Rebekah
in the background, once again... reading! March 0

Rebekah happy as a clam doing
what she loves best and sitting next to who she loves, her
Grandpa Coletti. Thanksgiving Day 07

Daddy and Hannah Grace at five weeks old. What a wonderful husband I have. Truly I am a blessed woman. 4-08

Daddy and Isaiah who's annoyed to have to stop
and take a picture rather than go on the rides!

Isaiah 15 months, all wrapped
up in his new
coat and hat, holding his favorite "toy!"
December 07

Some things never change!

Danielle getting a kiss of gratitude from Jacques
after his morning walk.

Hannah Grace posing in her new hat knitted
for her by her Auntie Denise.

Mommy, our precious midwife and friend Lenny Sue and Hannah Grace. This day was such a blessing, Lenny Sue who's from Tahoe was able to make it to Hannah Graces dedication at our church in Santa Rosa. 5-08
Rebekah and Danielle looking at the tigers in Marine World. November 08

Rebekah and Danielle Winter 2011

Mommy, Daddy and newest addition Hannah Grace, at Marine World
in November of 08. Hannah Grace was born 3-3-08 and is
eight months
old in this picture.

Hannah Grace 2012

A more sophisticated and grown up Rebekah! Fall 2011