Updated on 3/2/25


This information is approximated, for the most current up to date information, please call after reading over the adoption agreement and about us pages.


Contact Carina
(209) 786-1861
Located near Sacramento California

Ready for Adoption
Full Amount
Teddy Bear Goldendoodles
Mellow/Aslan Varies

Puppies Available To Go Home In Early June

$1,000 $2,800






           We are retiring Ada, she is available for adoption

Waiting List Open to adopt one of our sweet and gentle F1 Standard or Medium sized Teddy Bear Goldendoodle puppies. In order to adopt you must first be signed up onto our master list. Before signing up onto the master list I'd like to spend some time getting to know you and answering all your questions to make sure we are a good fit. Please start by reading over our adoption agreement and about us page, and then either calling me or emailing me your phone number letting me know you've already read those pages.

We are a small specialty home breeder of the highest quality F1 Standard sized Teddy Bear type Standard and Medium sized Goldendoodles.  We believe that it's of utmost importance to set an early foundation of love and trust in our puppies, which is why they are raised in our living room and extensively socialized from birth.

We do early neurological stimulation with each of our puppies to produce dogs with higher intelligence and that are more able to deal with stressful situations throughout life.  Studies also show that pups that have had early Neurological stimulation are overall healthier over their lifetimes.  We put an enormous amount of time and effort into the socialization and upbringing of our babies.

We do not believe in cutting corners in any way with the caring for our dogs and raising of our puppies.  Our puppies are renowned for their gentle, solid and reliable dispositions.  They are extremely easy to train due to their high intelligence and willingness to please.  While there is a large variety of types of homes our puppies go to, we specialize in raising puppies that do especially well in homes with children.  They also make excellent therapy dogs which is incredibly rewarding for everyone, you as the owner, your dog, the person receiving the love, and of course we couldn't be prouder!

We want to make the transition from our home to yours as smooth for you and your puppy as possible. We do not release your puppy until they are between 10 and 11 weeks old, sometimes not until they are 12 weeks old.  The release date decision is made based on each individual litter and puppy as to how quickly they are maturing.  We feel that it benefits your puppy greatly to have them stay these extra few weeks together with their momma, siblings and us.  They leave here  stronger, have a stronger immune system and are far more emotionally able to readily attach themselves to their new family.   There is a lot of different points of view on the best age to release a puppy and after eight years of experience in breeding, and releasing them at all different ages, we feel that holding them longer is very beneficial. We will spend as much time answering questions to help you prepare for your new puppy as you need.  We will be there throughout your dogs lifetime to answer any questions you may have as well as help you through any problems that may occur, and of course to be a listening ear as you brag with cute pictures!!!

When the puppies turn seven weeks old, we begin to separate them for an hour at a time, from their siblings throughout the day to get them used to what it's like without the "pack."  We begin to work a bit more intensely at this age on good manners such as only chewing on appropriate things, not our hands, pants legs or the couch! While your puppy will not be potty trained when you take them home at 10 weeks, they will have a good foundation set between the crate training, potty pad training and taking them outside to go. It will take continued consistency from you to finish the job, but if you're diligent, and use the crate when you can't watch them it won't take long!

We crate train our puppies and highly recommend you continue with this after you bring your puppy home.  We are happy to instruct you how to do this.  By the time your puppy comes home he will be able to spend 7-8 hours in his crate at night without having an accident.  It's up to you to make sure he does not regress in his training by getting him up in the middle of the night when he cries, which is expected for the first few transition days after arriving to your home.  We believe that it's extremely important to build on the foundation we've set here with your puppy by continuing his socialization and further his obedience training.  Please read the "Get Paid to Train Your Dog" page of our website.

Our dogs are not sitting outside in a kennel, but loved and well cared for members of our family.  Since part of a puppies disposition will be handed down from their parents, all our adults must pass our rigid standards to be a part of our breeding program.  We believe that while disposition is very important, equally important is health and beauty.  I think you'll agree after looking around at some of our pictures and talking to a few of our references, the excellence we put into our breeding program pays off by producing some of the best puppies available.   Excellent Quality is Not Expensive But Priceless!

Contact Carina (209) 786-1861 Located near Sacramento California HosanaGTGWSU@aol.com 



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Goldendoodle Breeders

(209) 786-1861 (PST)
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