Updated on 3/2/25
Contact Carina (209) 786-1861
Located near Sacramento California






Puppy Love! Below you can see a few pictures of how our puppies are raised.

Our children take their roll as puppy cuddlers seriously! Our puppies are raised to be extremely comfortable with young children. Our passion is raising puppies that do especially well in homes with young children due to their sweet, reliable and intelligent dispositions. We feel that there is something very special about the memories created in growing up with a dog as your best friend.

You can click here to see what litters we have planned. If you think you'd like to adopt your special friend from us, please feel free to either leave me an email with your phone number or give me a call. I'm happy to talk with you and answer all your questions to help you figure out if one of our puppies would be a good match for your home.

We breed for a standardized look in our Goldendoodles as well as a standardized disposition. Though they won't be exact carbon copies of each other, no matter which pairing you adopt your puppy from, they will all have our signature Teddy Bear look and disposition.

What does that mean?  It means your puppy will have a long, very soft, medium wavy/big loose curls coat that is similar to your own hair as far as shedding goes.  When you brush your dog's hair you'll have some hair in the brush, you may find some hair on his bed now and again and you may have to pick off a few long hairs if he rubs all over you, but you certainly won't have to change or get the sticky tape out! 

Our Goldendoodles have big boxy faces with short noses and a shorter, heavier boned body more like the Golden Retriever.  We feel that this body type is more complimentary to the Goldendoodle than the long elegant leggy look of the Poodle.  Even more important than gorgeous looks, our Goldendoodles have a Teddy Bear disposition.  They are raised for their extreme intelligence, willingness to please, gentleness and sweet outgoing dispositions in order to be the perfect fit for homes with young children.  They are also very adaptable and intuitive which allows them to be wonderful companions for a large range of different types of families, as long as love is included! 

Our Standard sized Goldendoodles will range from 45-50 pounds at the smallest up to 85-90 pounds at the largest.  I will be able to tell you at the time of choosing who's going to be what size so that if size is of importance to you, we can make sure to choose you a puppy that will fit into your ideals (and your car!) 

One thing that's important to keep in mind when planning for a future puppy is that the timelines for when your puppy will be ready to go home are estimates.  We do our best to estimate when the girls will come into season, be bred and puppies born but sometimes things don't work out exactly as we think they will.  Girls can come into season early or late, a breeding can be done but not result in pregnancy and puppies can be born earlier or later than expected.  For this reason, if getting on a waiting list for a litter, you'll have to be flexible with the timing that your puppy will be ready to come home.  We always keep you posted when the breeding is done and send out a birth announcement email with pictures when the puppies are born.  Of course you're always welcome to check in at any time. 

Your spot is held on the waiting list according to the date on your contract and you get to choose your puppy in that order.  We do the choosing and going home when your puppy is ten weeks old.  You MUST be able to come the day and time I assign you (always on a weekend,) if you want to choose your puppy in person.  If you can't make it that day I'm happy to set up a phone appointment with you or talk to you in advance and choose your puppy for you.  I'm an excellent match maker. 

Each family has approximatly an hour and a half of private time to choose their puppy.  I can give you as much or as little help during this process as you'd like so we can make sure to choose the best puppy for your home.  If you'd prefer to have me stand back while you snuggle with the puppies and choose on your own, that is totally fine as well.  Everyone is different, some want to choose heavily based on my opinion of which puppy would be the best fit and others want the first puppy that climbs into their lap.  We never have any very aggressive puppies nor any extremely shy puppies and ultimately, you're going to love the puppy you bring home because they are going to be the one you know.  No one ever says "Oh I wish I had chosen the red collar one instead!"  Once your time is up the next family will be arriving to choose their puppy which is why you have to choose on the day and time we assign you. 

For those that are out of area and need your puppy shipped, you're always welcome to come on choosing day if you'd like but please take comfort that I really am an excellent match maker and will help you choose your puppy over the phone and by emailing pictures if you're not able to come in person (most people can't.)  For you, I like to talk to you a couple days in advance to the choosing to refresh my memory about your family.  Then on choosing day at your scheduled time I will email you pictures of the puppies that are available that I think would be a good fit.  Then I call you and we talk about the individual puppies.  I will advise and you have the final say as to which puppy you'd like to adopt. 

In order to get on the waiting list, I like to talk with you on the phone to get to know you and find out a bit about your day to day.  We want to make sure that one of our Goldendoodles would be a good fit for you and your family as we want you to have a positive experience with your dog.  Of course we also want to make sure the puppy will be in a good environment where they will be loved and well cared for.  It's a good idea to read over our adoption agreement  before we talk so you can ask any questions you have and make sure you're comfortable with everything on there.  Adoption Agreement Pae. Once you're on the list you can switch over to a different litter anytime you want and for any reason, though we do not give refunds. 

I know that adopting a puppy is a big important event in your life so we want to make sure that it's a good one.  Any questions you have over the life of your puppy, any issues you run into or joys you want to share, we're always available by phone or email.  We have excellent references we can provide so you can hear from others about their experience with us and our dogs.  It's important that you are comfortable with our breeding program and trust us in raising the newest member of your family. 

I'm sorry but for the safety of our puppies we are not able to do visits except for those on the waiting list at the time of choosing/going home.  Parvo is a very real threat and while we can't live in a bubble, we have to do everything we can to insure the safety of the puppies.  Besides that, we are asked many times a week for visits and honestly, we could never keep up our busy family and farm schedule if we hosted visits for everyone that wanted to come over and play with puppies.  Again, I'm happy to give you references to those that own our dogs that you can contact as we know how important it is to trust us and our breeding program.  Also, there is an annual Marin Doodle Romp that is a blast to attend.  Click here to find out more information so you can join in the fun.  Marin Doodle Romp  

The no visiting rule until choosing day for those that are on the waiting list is a hard and fast rule unless in the rare case that we have a puppy that's not yet been spoken for and is at the age that it can go to it's new home.  If this is the case I'll talk with you on the phone first telling you all about the puppy that is available as well as listen as you tell me about what you're looking for.  If it seems like it would be a good fit then we can schedule a time to have you over to visit to meet the puppy.  If you're out of area, we'll just talk on the phone.  I can help you decide if the puppy we have would be a good match.  If you're happy with the puppy and I think it would be a good fit then we can go forward to make arrangements to have the puppy flown to you.  Puppies do extremely well flying.  We send them in the crate they're used to sleeping in at night and put a blankie with our scent on it to comfort them.  I put a drop of organic therapeutic grade lavender essential oil onto the blanket for it's calming effects.  Drugs are not only not necessary but actually illegal to give your pet before flying. 

Please feel free to either leave me your phone number in an email or give me a call.  I'm happy to talk to you and answer all your questions about our Goldendoodles and breeding program. 



Meet Bellow and his loving humans.  He's an Ellie May son.  I thought you might like to see what these babies will grow up to look like, (assuming you put all the time and attention that is required to keep up a full coat like the one Bellow has on.)  He's gorgeous and we have the honor of keeping him at our house while his family is on vacation.  I have to admit that most families don't keep on a full coat like this because it requires to much time to keep it mat free.  I've also included some pictures of what one of our doodles will look like in a shorter, easier to care for coat.  The longer coat always looks straighter because of the daily brushing that is needed as well as the weight of the coat pulls out the natural waviness. 



Bellow got a haircut! The shortest he's been in his whole three years of life.
He's still a handsome Dood!


Three Weeks Old

newborn goldendoodle puppies

Newborn goldendoodle puppies 1
newborn goldendoodle puppies 2

Visit the Dam or Sire pages for more information and pictures of the parents.

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We believe that proper socialization begins with good experiences from birth and that it's very important to raise the puppies in the main area of our home among our family so they know what it's like to be part of the family.  Puppies are loved and handled extensively by us and all our five children.  We do Bio Dog Exercises with our puppies as part of our socialization program. 

We release our puppies when they are between ten and twelve weeks.  We believe that this extra time with their momma and siblings greatly improves their readiness to transition to your home.  While keeping our puppies longer is a great deal of work for us, it has other benefits for your puppy as well.  It gives us extra time to give them their vaccines without having to administer them early which can cause immune disorders later in life.  They are further along in their crate training so you don't have to have so many sleepless nights listening to your puppy cry when they first come home.  All of our puppies are fully crate trained, sleeping eight hours by the time we release them.
We have excellent references you can either view on our references page, or that you can contact on your own.  We feel it's very important make sure the prospective families are well matched with our puppies.  For this reason I like to talk with you on the phone to get to know a bit about you and your family before we add you to our waiting list.  Please feel free to call or leave an email with your phone number.  I'd be happy to spend some time answering all your questions and learning about what you're looking for in your doggie companion to see if we have a wonderful best friend waiting to be adopted into your family. 

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Goldendoodle Image

All Rights Reserved A Little Blessing 4u

Goldendoodle Breeders

(209) 786-1861 (PST)
web site design by www.jstewartdesigns.com